
178 Movie Reviews

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Needs a bit more in the animation department, but the art style is nice to look at! If you're gonna pull a Narmak you're going to have to boost your animation skills and the length of the videos. I look foward to seeing more! Good luck!

Astrobust responds:

Thanks for the feedback and for taking the time to check it out my work. I look forward to contributing more while I improve

What a balance you struck, I can't say anything towards your animation style, but your humor carried this video well.

Yet another storytime animator coming over to Newgrounds pimping out their Youtube Channel over Newgrounds. Oh well this is the way things keep going so fuck it.

You keep a good energy with the camera shaking and your character is very recognizable. The quality of editing is better than most storytime animations. Keep doing whatever makes you happy mate. I personally dislike these kinds of animations, because it really is hard to call them animations most of the time, but as time goes on more and more people are going to keep doing them because they're quick to make and don't take a high amount of skill. The pond will keep getting filled up by guppies and eventually this may go the way of the let's player in 2-3 years. I don't know I can't see the future.

If this is what you enjoy doing then keep at it, you're already miles beyond most of the people who do this.

Also this "Hahahah Newgrounds can host my work too, but really though go to my youtube channe and like and subscrible hahah" thing is a really classy way to become part of this community guys.

bornracer responds:

i am 100% sure that i am not speaking fast but rather you are not able to understand my native language thats hindi and some of it which is in english is most probably because of my accent i guess
and whats the harm in sharing my newgrounds as well??

Keep the audio more consistent, color the backgrounds in, Do more work with the easing of tweens and their timing. Maybe get some royalty free back ground music to quietly play in the background to fill the silence a little.

There were some mistakes here and there, but the concept and music more than made up for it well done!

Nice after effects rain, but besides that animation was lacking and the voice over was so quite you needed to put subtitles in. I feel like this could be fleshed out more, but there's a chance that the creator only wanted to promote a message rather than tell a story. However, if you wanted to tell a story there's not enough here to tell one.

OSART responds:

Noted. Thanks for the tips and everything. You are on point. Definitely wanted the message to be put out there and I can be more strategic in delivery visually! :D Awesome

Cancer on the glamour.

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